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Important alert – Australian Tax Office (ATO) scam email

February 24, 2017, Written by 0 comment

Dear Customers,

Please be advised that a dangerous scam email is in circulation claiming to be from the Australian Tax Office. This email may appear genuine, however, it is a SPAM email and contains links to a document designed to infect your computer. If you receive an email matching the example below, please delete it immediately.

If you have already clicked on the link, in the email, please run a full anti-virus scan on your computer as a precaution.

As with any email where you are unsure of its authenticity, there are a few things you can look for to help identify if it is a spam or scam email.

  • Check the address as the email may appear to have been sent from a legitimate source, “”, however, the address will be slightly different. For example, “”.
  • Check to see who the email is from. The email may appear to have been sent by someone you know but, the address will not match the one in your contacts list.
  • Hover your mouse cursor over a link, in the email, and see if it matches the web address of the company or individual who sent it.
  • If the email contains an attachment, check to see if it has a strange name or file extension. The attachment may appear to be an ordinary Word or Excel document but its name may end with a “zip” or “exe” extension. The attachment may also appear to have multiple extension for example “”.

If you believe you have received an email that meets any of the four criteria above delete it.

It is always better to be safe than sorry.

ATO Scam Email Example Page1ATO Scam Email Example Page2

Click on the images to view a larger version.

Lachlan Williams

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