Dear Customers,
It has come to our attention that an email scam is in circulation. A group pretending to be ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission) are sending emails to ASIC customers asking them to pay fees, provide personal details or update business names.
These emails may appear genuine however they are SPAM emails and contain links to malicious websites designed to infect your computer *** Do not click on these links ***
If you have already clicked on the link run a full anti-virus scan on your computer as a precaution.
As with all emails, you receive,
1. Check the address
2. Check the subject of the email, does it look legitimate? If not it is most likely SPAM
3. Check to see who the email is from. If you don’t recognise the address, or if you are not expecting an email from that particular company or individual, simply delete the email
An example of the scam email is shown below.
Click on the image to view a larger version.